Increasing the standard's impact on a fair and sustainable value exchange for publishers, advertisers and users.
Cologne - 14 September 2022 eyeo, creator of Adblock Plus and pioneer in building a more sustainable value exchange between advertisers, publishers and online users, unveils a major milestone today; Acceptable Ads now reaches 250 million monthly active users (MAU) worldwide, representing further success in its mission to create a fair and profitable web for all.
The landmark achievement signifies a continued desire for more acceptable forms of online advertising, as well as the growing understanding amongst partners of what advertisements users find allowable.
Now that ads complying with Acceptable Ads, which are not invasive or disruptive, reach 250 million monthly active users worldwide, an even greater ecosystem of an ever-growing number of platforms is exposed to this independently derived standard. For an ad to be classified as ‘acceptable’, it must adhere to standards on format, size, placement and labeling that have been set forth by the Acceptable Ads Committee.
Jan Wittek, CRO of eyeo, commented on the milestone: “Being able to reach 250 million users across the world highlights just how much Acceptable Ads has grown and underscores the attitudes of universal users towards ad filtering. We are most proud of the global appeal of our mission. Users across the world - from markets as diverse as New York, Delhi and Ho Chi Minh City - all share a common desire for smart ad filtering that also allows publishers to continue creating the content that makes the web the rich marketplace of ideas it is.”
Key to this geogrowth has been the growing partner network of Acceptable Ads. In sharing the core mission that the web can be a space for users, publishers and advertisers to have a more balanced value exchange, partners are using the ecosystem created by eyeo to deliver ads compliant with Acceptable Ads to existing and new users.
Wittek concluded: “We couldn’t have reached this milestone without the support of our partners. By finding companies that share our mindset, we have been able to expand our mission globally, creating a fair and profitable web for all parties.”
About eyeo
eyeo is dedicated to empowering a balanced and sustainable online value exchange for users, browsers, advertisers and publishers. By building, monetizing, and distributing ad-filtering technologies, we create solutions that allow all members of the online ecosystem to prosper. Our ad-filtering technology powers some of the largest ad blockers on the market, like Adblock Plus and AdBlock, and is distributed through partnerships to millions of devices. We are constantly innovating to meet the expectations of the changing online world, with privacy solutions such as Crumbs and Acceptable Ads, which reaches over 250 million monthly active users.